Τετάρτη 20 Ιουλίου 2011


CO of Piraeus and Islands with the municipality of Piraeus in Piraeus Municipal Gallery. 2005 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL 2006 in INTERNATIONAL ACTION ART-TECHNODRASI " gallery athens greece 2005 exhibition in ovelidion art institution Thessaloniki greece 2005 "COLORS OF CULTURE" , organized by the UNESCO Club of Piraeus and Islands, the Municipality of Piraeus and HAPPINESS PETALA EFTIHIA 
 ΠΕΤΑΛΑ ΕΥΤΥΧΙΑ Born Lives and works in KILKIS HELLAS She studied etching Research Center and Workshop in the old factory of "Helios" Thessaloniki.. \ (lithography courses with Erika Gudensrajer.) free studies photography, paintings, jewelry, ceramics ,member Artists Association of Northern Greece Arts SKETBE MEMBER OF RED CROSS KILKIS HELLAS MEMBER OF CLUMP ENVIROMENT KILKIS HELLAS Solo exhibitions 2014 Mas gallery SERBIA 2013 Tourettes Nice France 2011 Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum and exlibrissamling Denmark 2009 "Macedonian Artists' Association "Art"TEXNH KILKIS, Greece in the framework of celebration of freedoms in kilkis 2009 Gallery Sigvardson DENMARK 2006 -INTERNATIONAL ACTION ART-TECHNODRASI »----Gallery Athens Greece - 2006 MAN AND SPACE ---- "Macedonian Artists' Association "Art"TEXNH Kilkis, Greece 2005 Exhibition of "Apollonia" art colony in Gevgelija Skopje 2003 - KILKIS HELLAS 2004 TERPILOS KILKIS HELLAS as part of the day book. 2004 KILKIS HELLAS 2005 KILKIS HELLAS 2006 KILKIS HELLAS Awards INTERNATIONAL WINW LABEL DESIGN COMPETITION SMALL GRAPHIC PRINT AND EXLIBRIS ESTATE CONSTATIN GOFAS ELLAS International Wine Label Design Competition 8th International Exlibris and Small Graphic Art Competition “The Dreams of Gdańsk Neptune” 2014 5th International Exlibris Competition – GDANSK .SPECIAL AWARD BY ACEDEMY OF FINE ARTS IN GDAŃSK Petala Eytihia (Greece) for work “Nereid Amphitrite in seabed palace and butterfly” 2014 X Międzynarodowego Konkursu Graficznego na Ekslibris GLIWICE 2014 5TH international FU XIAN ZHAI exlibris international exhibition 2010 international exlibris art exhibition chine 2010 The first Inernational Competition of exlibris Association of Vojvodina Novi-sad award for the 2009 Beijing 1st International Erotic Ex libris Exhibition. diploma exlibris 2007 -2008- 2009 Добре дошли:: Регионална библиотека "Любен Каравелов" Русе 2009 Taiwan 15th International Exlibris Exhibition, in Taipei Arts Festival. xxxiiINTERNATIONAL EXLIBRIS COGRESS 2008 BEIJING Gdański Archipelag Kultury "Wyspa Skarbów" EX LIBRIS Poland Special Award founded by the chairman of the Board of "Gdansk Community" Foundation "Gdansk Lions" International ex libris competition (PL) XIV INTERNATIONAL EXLIBRIS COMPETITION “EX LIBRIS – EX LITTERA“ - RUSE 2018 2019 INGO CESARO MAIL ART .THAT WILL BE EXHIBITED IN SCHWABACH ON THE OCCASION OF ORTUNG XI IN THE SPIRIT OF GOLD MAIL ART PROJECT on THE MONK Exhibition in 2019 during the symposium Expedition Templar in Alphen-Chaam / 26 th January 2019 AND - Exhibition in the Jheronimus Bosch Art Center in ‘s-Hertogenbosch - NL May to October 2019 2019 BENSUSAN HAN GALLERY AND FKTH EXHIBITION THESSALONIKI HELLAS International EXLIBRIS Competition 2018 BULGARY Ruse group exhibitions INTERNATIONAL EXLIBRIS AND SMALL GRAPHIC FORM ... exhibition in Gdańsk POLAND The Animals of the Baltic Sea. ... International Exlibris and Small Graphic Art POLAND Gliwice 2018. XII Міжнародний конкурс екслібрису, Gliwice 2018 - Львівська .. 2018 15 JULY (A Group of International Artist) EXHIBITION NARRATIVE MOVEMENT PUBLIC ART 'COLLECTOR EXLIBRIS LESZEK GROCHULSKI CZESTOCHOWA POLAND INTERNATINAL EXLIBRIS EXHIBITION INTERNATIONAL EN PLEIN AIR PAINTING “MYSTICISM AND REALITY”exhibition in ILYA PETROV gallery RAZGRAND BULGARY 46o FESTIVAL OLYMBOY DION IN International GALLERY .DION CENTER MOSAIC 46ο Φεστιβάλ Ολύμπου 2017 INTERNATINAL EXLIBRIS Exhibition CZESTOCHOWA WYSTAWA POLAND SYMPOSIUM IN MAGNA GRECIA SYMPOSIUM IN AMMAN International Art Symposium in Tarsus 2017 ``GALLERY ΕΛ.`` A space for Arts & Culture june 21 -exhibition environment mother Nature International Union of Greek Artists in El gallery thessaloniki 5-18 april 2017 GALLERY ΕΛ. March 3-27 2017 FOR `EARTH Poetry, Literary & Theatrical performances Festival . GALLERY ΕΛ. International Union of Greek Artists "GROUP EXHIBITION To celebrate THE DAY OF WOMEN Thessaloniki Greece InternationaL photO exhibition 24 -10 2017 one klic GALLERY ΕΛ Thessaloniki Greece ΣΚΕΤΒΕ SKETBE Annual report the Gallery of Macedonian Studies Thessaloniki Greece INTERNATIONAL EXLIBRIsGEORGE BACOVIA PLUMB-100 DE ANNI DE LA PUBLICARE EXHIBITION 24 NOVEMBRIE 2016- 24 FEBRUARY 2017 GROUP echibition international art exhibiton - opening on 26th December at SRI AUROBINDO ASHRAM GALLERY with a Cultural Event & Art Documentary Screening at Gandhi square, Pondicherry,ΙΝDΙΑ www.narrativemovements.comNarrative Movments INDIA INTERNATIONAL ART EXHIBITION POST CONTEPORARY WAVE -5 AN UNCONVENTIONAL ART EXHIBITION PRESENTED BY www.narrativemovements.comNarrative Movments XIIth INTERNATIONAL EXLIBRIS COMPETITION “LYUBEN KARAVELOV” REGIONAL LIBRARY – RUSE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBTION EXLIBRIS MUNICIPAL CULTURAL CENTER GALLERY MEANDER APATIN SERBIA Guangzhou International Exlibris and Mini-prints Biennial 2016 CHINA 2016 International Wine Label Design Competition Small Graphic Print Competition ESTATE CONSTANTIN GOFAS GREECE INTERNATIONAL EN PLEIN AIR 2016 PAINTING “MYSTICISM AND REALITY”exhibition in ilya petrov gallery RAZGRAD BULGARY EXHIBITION IN PRAGUE GRAPHIC COLLECTOR PAVEL HLEIVATY WITH ACTIVITIES OF PRAGUE GRAPHIC COLLECTION D.R.I.T between 2016 2017 2018 IN SEVERALS Gallery Inny Slask - Tarnowskie Gory (Poland) - Franz von Bayros and erotic graphics FISAE World Congress in Prague 27.8.-2.9.2018. For the congress exhibition František Bílek (1872-1941) - Graphic creation and exlibris Gallery V.Wünsche - Havířov (Czech Republic) - Franz von Bayros - K.J.Obrátil and others - the largest exhibition of recent years, exhibited about 1200 graphic worKS Beside contemporary artists the list also contains names of artists, who work in years 1880-1950. Their works are very important part of projects. 2016 govendarou art gallery Thessaloniki HELLAS . ... GROUP EXHIBITION OF S.K.E.T.B.E. (Society of Artists of Fine Arts of ... 2016 Annual Report of the Association of Visual Arts Artists of Northern Greece sketbe in Company Macedonian StudieS Thessaloniki HELL AS 4th Gabala International Art Exhibition December 19, 2015 - January 17, 2016Venue: Heydar Aliyev Congress Centre, Gabala city, Azerbaijan Republic Azerbaijan Culture Foundation, SEBA (Seoul-Baku) Azerbaijan-Korean Cultural Exchange Association (www.seba.az) Triennial of small graphic forms and ex libris “BREST PRINT TRIENNIAL-2015” 2015 .Mostra Concorso Ex Libris EXPO MILANO 2015Alla Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense di Milano in mostra gli ex libris 2015 1st International Exhibition of Visual Poetry in Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brazil.... 5th International Exlibris Competition – GDANSK . XV Międzynarodowe Biennale Małej Formy Graficznej i Ekslibrisu Ostrów Wielkopolski 2014 POLAND .X. INTERNATIONAL EXLIBRIS COMPETITION RUSE 2014LYUBEN KARAVELOV” REGIONAL LIBRARY RUSE, Bulgaria 'Thessaloniki 2012 commemorating the centennial of the liberation of Thessaloniki (1912-2012) organized the 5th Municipal Community Municipality of Thessaloniki engraving exhibition, presented the collection of "EX-LIBRIS" of the Cultural Centre of the Municipality Lefkadas.Kentro History Thessaloniki Concert Billi ISLAND OF UNWANTED THINGS International Miniature Graphic Art Exhibition Timisoara - Romania - 2011 (January 2009-2010 International Ex-Libris Congress Nannan Wang Curator of Zi An Intl Graphic Art Gallery Beijing, C Beijing 1st International Erotic Ex libriS www.ex-libris.com.cn 2010 The first Inernational Competition of exlibris Association of Vojvodina Novi-sad SERBIA2010 WWW. miniprint.ucoz.ru FIRST REPORT Mini Print International in RUSSIA KYIV Ex-libris competition 2010 Benoît Junod, Eros & Thanatos ... Lust and Death www.erosexlibris.com 2010 Third International Printmaking Juried Exhibit Prints for Peace 2010 Monterrey NL Mechiko 2010 constancia certificate of recognition for ‧ VII Bienal International de Ex-Libris (el bosque de la utopia) Homenaje al BURRO-Zacatecas, Mexico partimonio Cultural de la Humanidad marzo de 2010 www.kyltyrazakatekas.com 2010 International ceramic exhibition Municipalidad de Paso de los Libres VI Feria del Libro y la Cultura del MERCOSUR AR www.placasdeartistas.com.ar 2010 IV International Ceramic Tile Triennial Republica Dominicana First International Biennale Exhibition of Small Graphic Forms and Ex-Libris “The Belovezhskaya Pushcha – 2009”, Belarus to be held in September, 2009 in the Museum of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park. 2009 International Print Triennial in Krakow INTERNATIONAL PRINT NETWORKThe exhibition will be presented in the Horst-Janssen-Museum as well as in the Stadtmuseum Oldenburg. www.canalcontemporaneo.art.br/_.../evento.php. 2009 Iinternational triennial of gpaphic art BITOLA N.I. Institute and Museum -BITOLA YU 2009 2nd Guanlan international print biennial in Guanlan Museum, Shenzhen, China 2009 2009 INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Yaroslavl Exlibris Congress and Exhibition of Istanbul Exlibris Society in Moscow Exlibris Museum the millennium of the Russian city of Yaroslavl. 2009 TAIWAN 15th INTERNATIONAL EXLIBRIS ART EXHIBITION IN Tapei ART FESTIVAl 2009 INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION SMALL FORM WWW. lessedra BulgarY 8th World Art Print Annual - Mini Print June 3rd - August 30 th88 days Festival of Contemporary World Printmaking 2009 Concorso Internazionale Exlibris Arti GRAFICHE COLOMBO ITALY INTERNATIONAL exhibition 2009 22TH MODERN EXLIBRIS MALbORK POLAND 2009 1ST INTERNATIONAL Biennale EXLIBRIS SALON DE EX-LIBRIS FUNDACION VIDANIMAL - Argentina 2009 V INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION FOR EX LIBRIS Liuben Karavelov Regional Library bul ex-Libris, .librousse.bg / gallery BULGARIA 2009 INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION EX-LIBRIS: DE LIBERA UNIVERSITATE ITALY bienniale exlibris INTERNATIONLExperimental ENGRAVING BIENNIAL 2008 ISSUU - 3rd IEEB by Experimental Project 2008 INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION yuan cup collection exlibris artists SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL 2008 INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Club Alpino Italiano - Sezione di Milano EX LIBRIS ITALY The 32nd International Exlibris Biennial Exhibition 2008 Beijing www.exlibrischina.com/ 2008 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION EXLIBRIS Gdaski lion SPECIAL AWARD FOR POLAND Gdański Archipelag Kultury "Wyspa Skarbów" 2008 INTERNATIONAL EXLIBRIS RUSE BULG LEFKADA ISLAND GREECE 2008 INTERNATIONAL EXLIBRIS CLUB ALPINO ITALIANO SEZIONE DI MILANO ITALY INTERNATIONAL EXLIBRIS INTERNATIONAL EXLIBRIS BIENNIAL OF ENGRAVING AJUTAMENT DE SANT CARLS DE LA RAPITA REIDORIA DE CULTURE SPAIN INTERNATIONAL EXLIBRIS D ART GRAFIC 2008 DEYEBRA IN FRANAVILLA AL MARE ASSESSORATO ALLA CULTURA ITALY INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION YUAN CUP COLLECTION EXLIBRIS ARTIST SHANGHAI 2007 International Small Engraving salon, Carbunai Romania. 2008 International Small Engraving Salon Carbunai , Romania. 2008: 6TH LESSEDRA WORLD ART PRINT ANNUAL Bulgaria 2008 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF SMALL FORM Tetovo ex-yug 2007-2008 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF SMALL FORM NAESVENT, Denmark DENMARKpetala-eytihia-mini - Mini Print Archives 2008 INTERNATIONAL SMALL FORM 13th International Triennial of small forms LODS poland 2008 Second Edition PAINTING INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Salon, Carbunari ROMANIA 2007: 6TH LESSEDRA WORLD ART PRINT ANNUAL Bulgaria International of small forms 2007-INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ex-Libris, .librousse.bg / bg / gallery BULGARy 2007 international small PRINT forms NY International Print Center, N YORK USA WORLD REPORT 2008 Collage International Collage Exhibition Exchange NEW ZEALAND 2008 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF TEXAS MUSEUM Collage White on white White on White Exhibition Catalogs - The International Museum 2007 in VlasSiS art gallery Thessaloniki Greece the print workshop municipality NeapoliS - 2006 in VlasSiS art gallery Thessaloniki Greece the print workshop municipality NeapoliS GREECE 2003 ENGRAVING exhibition gallery. ... Engraving Centre «Ilios», Neapolis Municipal Gallery, Thessaloniki GREECE GROUP PAINTINGS EXHIBITIONS 16/3/ 2012 Event Horizon, spot exposure EROTOPIA, ATHENS GREECE 2014 Kilkis 1913-2013: A HUNDRED YEARS AFTER Macedonian Artists' Association "Art" Kilkis, Greece 2014 February EXHIBITION sketbe Macedonian Artists' Association "Art" Kilkis, Greece 2014 miniature exhibition SKETBE in vlasis gallery thessaloniki -2011 EXHIBITION SKETBE ART BAZAAR IN IOANNINA Technochoro Ioannina for making an Art-Bazaar in December EXHIBITION SKETBE IN CAMP Kodra Action field KODRA 2010, Kalamaria VISUAL ARTS Club of northern Greece 2010 REPORT TO SKETbE VAFOPOULIO CULTURAL CENTER IN DIMITRIA thessalonike greece 2010 Technopolis Agrinio the internet room "Nikos Gatsos Art Exhibition and Book "Agrinio the internet "FYSIS AND MAN [Petala Happiness] ATHENS GREECE 2010 Association of Visual Artists NORTHERN GREECE SKETBE Miniature Exhibition in Veroia Gallery VISUAL SUGGESTIONS - Hobby 2009 Art Parade.gr the pictorial our festival THE ART WAY FESTIVAL ATHENS GREECE. 2009 Art Park in Rhodes. art-park Rhodes a non-profit open air gallery GREECe 2008 6 artists from Kilkis in the Art space Argonauts Greece 2008 UNESCO-Pireas.gr dedicated to the environment, organized by the Club UNESCO of Piraeus and Islands with the municipality of Piraeus, the Municipal Gallery of Piraeus 2008 UNESCO-Pireas.gr REPORT ON Olympics games in BEIJING Municipality Chania Crete Greece 2008 and 2007 ---TEXNIS FLOGA institution of Northern Greece 7-11 March 2007 "Macedonian Artists' Association "Art" Kilkis, Greece and which toured to 20 cities from Alexandroupolis to Florina. Begins in June and ends in December. 2006 UNESCO-Pireas.gr INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL bridge culture Report FORMER WEST AIRPORT, Athens Greek 2006, UNESCO-Pireas.gr INTERNATIONAL ACTION ART-TECHNODRASI " MEDITERRANEAN - Sea Culture? Peace. 2010 IV INTERNATIONAL CERAMIC TILE TRIENNIAL REBUBLICA DOMINICANA >PHOTO ART EXHIBITION S.O.S. Environment Club UNESthe Hellenic Society of Literature and Art (paste) greece . 2005 Aroma Culture and Art in the Municipal Gallery of Piraeus UNESCO greece 2005 coffee of ideas Group exhibition of the Association APELLIS the Philological Society "PARNASSOS NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON POETRY AND PAINTING .. (ATHENS greece 2005 OLYMPICS CULTURAL CENTER Melina Mercouri HYDRA ΥΔΡΑ island Greece 2005 OLYMPIC GAMES IN REPORT on cruise ship TZORTZIS PIRAEUS ATHENS UNESCO Greece 2003 «The Art of Can», Red Bull, Stavros Mihalarias Art Gallery, Athens. Greece 2nd international multy ethnic FESTIVAL SQUARE STREET-PEOPLE 17 JUNE 2004, "Hall Salamis' Hall Dimitri's Bogris, Painting, ... Under the auspices of UNESCO and the group of Piraeus.Greece Athens 2001 MUNICIPAL GALLERY EXHIBITION STREET Perseus 2001 Report at gallery Florakis PIRAEUS ATHENS UNESCO Πολυεθνική Έκθεση Γκαλερί Φλωράκη 2003 SCHEDULE SOCRATES botanic GARDEN REPORT TO CONGRESS CENTRE FOUAGIE MUNICIPALITY KILKIS GREECE 2002 IN FOLKLORE MUSEUM GOUMENISSAS Kilkis Greece in the context of the August 15 2002 Olympics games an exhibition in folklore museum POLYPETRO kilkis greece 2000 1999-1998-1997 OPONGA MUNICIPALITY KILKIS REPORTS Greece 1994 PROGRAM LEADER SILVER JEWELRY EXHIBITION KILKIS GREECE 2016 2nd International Photo Based Mail Art exhibition Monument, Vlassis Art Gallery, ... 2014, , Choco Art Gallery YOUTH CAPITAL PHOTO CENTER OF THESSALONIKI Φωτογραφικό Κέντρο Θεσσαλονίκης 2014 ... FRENCH INSTITUTE OF THESSALONIKI Contrast-2014 - Festival of Photography Contrast-2014 - Φωτογραφικό Είδωλο photoeidolo.gr/CONTRAST/contrast-bio-curation.htm‎ ΠΡΩΤΕΥΟΥΣΑ ΝΕΟΛΑΙΑΣ 2014 ... ΓΑΛΛΙΚΟ ΙΝΣΤΙΤΟΥΤΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ .2010 MUNICIPALITY STAVROUPOLIS VOTANIKOS STAVROUPOLIS GARDEN - PHOTO CENTER THESSALONIKI www.fkth.gr Plant Biodiversity - the art of nature International photo contest .2010.CHEAP PHOTO - TETTIX ART GALLERY - PHOTO CENTER OF THESSALONIKI 2007-2008-2009 international photo exhibition in gallery tettix CHEAP- art Thessaloniki Greece 2008 FIELD ACTION Kodra in international photo exhibition in Children's Day Greece 2008 14 MAY first photo biennial Photo Exhibition - Places and norms of worship Museum of Byzantine Culture 2008 TO CHANGE IN TURN OF THE CENTURY Greece 2007 PARADE TOWARDS THE GLORY PHOTO CENTRE THESSALONIKI greeceTHESSALONIKI 1997- 2oo7 "the Thessaloniki as Cultural Capital" in the Cultural Capital of Europe 1997. 1997 Report of the photo contest on "Portraitists photographers"Self-portraits of photographers 1997 - 2006 photo exhibition in Doiran, GALLIKO, KILKIS , THESSALONIKI Greece common group exhibition of photographic groups in Kilkis and the City Triandrias, thessaloniki greece under the program "We know the photo groups. Archaeology Magazine -magazine AntiLipseis 2008 - Issue 11 - Happiness Petala Efi Petala detects diffuse religiosity that exists in an archaeological site, trying to record the messages "take" than-otherwise-lifeless ruins, to tell their story ... INTERNATIONAL mail ART EXHIBITIONS 2018 PROJECT MAIL ART PROJECT NEIGHBORHOOD CARLOS BOTANA SPAIN 2006 THINGS THAT FLY Mail Art Exhibition Sharon Zimmer project ... 2017 2007-INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL ELASSONA GREECE museum Katsigras Larissa THESSALY www.mail art-greece-argo.blogspot.com 2007-ARGONAUTES GREECE Museum G. Katsigra, Larissa, Thessaly, www.mail art-greece-argo.blog spot.com/.../petala-eftihia-kilkis-greece.html - 2007-REFUCEE SOLIDARITY CHAIN GREECE Museum G. Katsigra, Larissa, Thessaly, WWW.mail art-greece-refugees.blog spot.com/.../petala-eftihia-from-kilkis-greece_5558.html - 5=2007 MAILLARTISSIMO RUSSIA TRICIA BUR 6=ZADARAMA 2008 CROATIAThat's Life "from Petala Eftihia of Kilkis 7=2007 SPUTNIK RUSSIA YOSHKAR-OLA MUSEUM OF FINE ART, RUSSIA Sputnik - Спутник - Blogdimension - Moteur de recherche Web 8=- ALYONKA RUSSIA IVAN ZEMTSOM -Alyonka Mail Art Project: November 2007 YouTube - Alyonka Mail Art Show In The National Library 17 August 2007 9=-PAPER AND POSTAGE CHAIR-CLOCKS - stairs paperandpostage: October 2007 10=- UNITED LATIN-AMERICA EYES THE WORLD, URUGUAY 11=- TREE OF POETRY VENEZIA , ITALY 12=- THE INDEPENDENCE DAY AN ART FESTIVAL IN DHAKA, BAGLADESH 13=- THE SEA AT KYPSELI OPEN MARKET CULTURAL CENTER, ATHENS, GR 14=- THE SEA CARLOS BOTANA GALICIA, SPAIN 15=- IMAGE OF FIRE MOROGO BASSILCULTURAL ART CENTER, USA 16=THE TREE MAIL ART EDITION 2007 ART CENTER AT INTINERAIRE HOTEL, FRANCE 17=2007 CAMERA DERIE MAIL ARTIST PHOTOPORTRAITS GALLERY, UK - 18=- RAY JOHNON MICRO GALLERY CONTENS OBJECTS PILES AND BOXES THE MABEE SIMPSON LIBRARY GARDEN ON THE CAMPUS OF LYON COLLEGE 19=- VENEZUELA FIRST MAiLL ART BIENNAL Bienal Internacional del Pequeño Formato - Venezuela -20= THE BOOK I LOVE BERLIN GERMANY 21=- MOAT GALLERY CANADa PARADE OF ANIMALS 22=- THE SEA CARLOS BOTANA GALICIA SPAIN 23=- FRIDA KAHLO GALLERIA PUERTO DEL VIENTO GRUPO YOLO MEXICO 24=BLACKBIRD PROJECT - PROJETO PÁSSARO PRETO: PETALA EFTIHIA 25=- PATHS OF MINDE ITALTY 26=2007 DESIRE CALL - 27=- WE ARE A HUMAN FAMILY EXHIBITED AT AN EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOP ON JENUARY 2008 IN MEDFORD OREGON USA www.mlkmailart.blogspot.com 28 -Mail Art for Martin Luther King Day, 2008 - 29=-Art Postal 2007-2008 Ville d'Argentan (61200 France) Liste des ... «mAgeNta ® aVeS - www.magentaraves.wordpress.com 2007 October «mAgeNta ® aVeS 30=- EFIMERA ART GALLERY MEXICO 2008 www.varteumgaleriaefimera.blogspot.com 31- AT moca GALLERY mail art geralimba KUALA LUMBUR MALAYSA2008 www.mosacollections.tripod.com MALAISIA List of Participants - 32- THE HORSE EXHIBITIONS IN SEVERAL ART CENTER IN ARGENTINA FRANCE 33=- WAR OR PEACE BRASIL 34=- COLOR NEPAL 35=2007 PORTRAIT NY Ny www.dberube-art.blogspot.com- 36=2007 AUTUPORTRAIT POLAND autoportret postal: 2007 37=2007 ENERGY BERLIN GERMANY 38= 2007 WHAT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN ASYLUM GALLERY SACRAMENTO USA 39=2008 New Mail Art Calls | Luiza's Art Cafe MESS ON ART DESK from Canada 40=HAND CARVED STAMP ART: 41=* Salt & Pepper (mail art call / Frantic Fan Mail & Anticham) 42=2008 THE WHOLE WOLD IN A ENVELOPE RUSSIA MAGAZ/ ... /VUEDENSKAYA STORONA RUSSIA www.worldinenvelope.blogspot.com - - : Eftihia Petala, Kilkis, Greece 43=SMILE What makes you smile? www.neoisms.blogspot.com 44=2008 MAIL ANT USA 45=2008 MAYWORKS 2008 EXCHIBITION IN ARROWSMITH GALLERY PARKS VILLE CANADA Ed Varney 46=2008 YOUR FAVORATE LITERARY CHARACTER FRANCEwww.lirenfete08.blogspot.com 47=2008 HOW WE WERE florean museum EOMANIA 48=2008 OPEN THE DOOR RICHARD EXHIBITION SOHO CHELSEA 1, 2, 3 GALLERY NY NEW YORK Petala Eftihia «Raven Mail Art 49=2008 EROTIC POSTCARD ARGENTINA ORK 3 THEMS CANADA 50=MAILART PROJECT2008 YOUR FEET AND YOUR HANDS THE FACE IS OPTIONAL ITALY 51=2008 Myths and Legends from your Country of Origin ARGENTIN 52=2008 MYSELF, IN THREE PARTS CANADA 53=2008 mail art project automatic drawings automatycznie: -54 carlosibotana.blogspot.es/.../grecia-:-petala-eytihia 55=2008 MORADI TYPEWRITER / MACCHINA DA SCRIVERETypewriter www.guzzardi.it 56=2008 Rencontres 2008 (Encounters 2008) - Les Rencontres de l'Art Postalmontratier.canalblog.com Les Rencontres de l'Art Postal 57=2008 BiG QUESTIONS: To live in a time (fine?) Environment www.bigquestions-wackystuff.com canada 58=2008 Homenaje a ray Johnson. EXHIBITION IN MALDONADO PUNT DEL ESTE AND MODEVIDEO CITY. URUGUAY 59=2008 TRENES y VAGONES: SELLOS DE ARTISTA www.trenesyvagones.blogspot.com 60=2008-PROJET D'ART POSTAL 2007 61=2008 RECYCLAGE - RECYCL'ART: mars 2008 www.projetartpostalrecyclage2008.blogspot.com 62=Words Of Light MAIL ART: San Demetrio Corone Club de Fans Clemente Padín de Buenos Aires: HOMENAJE A RAY ... - 63=2008 Nuova pagina 6 www.principearte.it 64=2008 burlesque www.magentaraves.wordpress.com 65=2008 Art Postal Ville d'Argentan (612 66=2008 www.wandrefalk.multiply.com BEETLS 67=2008 War or Peace MUSEUM OF INTERNATIONAL ART DORIN RIBAS BRAZIL 68=What is your Fetish?: 30 March 2008 fetish-and-consumption.blogspot.com / Casa del Artista - Inn and Art Gallery in Cuernavaca, Mexico 69=2008 International Art Project of & "Catarinse Human Rights Society &" and & "Museum of International Contemporary Art 70=2008 - www.yourdocumentsplease.com / ... / INTEDIFECATION DOCUMENT EXHIBITION MUSEUM OF ARTS AND GRAFTS ITAMI JAPan EXHIBITION DATES April 4, 2008 - April 20, 2008 ------ Museum of Arts and Crafts - Itami, Itami-shi, Japan August 2, 2008 - August 17, 2008 ----- ZAIM, Yokohama, Japan August 11 - August 16 ----- Galerie Paris, Yokohama, 1 block from ZAIM, Japan (Added to ZAIM space 1 week only) November 28, 2008 (reception 6pm) - December 30, 2008 ------ 2B Galéria, Budapest, Hungary Catalog January 9 - February 1, 2009 ------ Galerie Kurt im Hirsch, Berlin, Germany February 12 - March 8, 2009 ------ GALÉRIA Z - Bratislava, Slovakia April 17, 2009 - May 8, 2009 ------ Galería Ajolote Arte Contemporáneo, Guadalajara, Mexico 2011 n y 71=From the Association of Visual Arts Artists of Northern Greece (SKETBE) The BLOG of SKETbe Exhibit 2009 will be in collaboration with the School of Education of Aristotle University at Aristotle University Tower, Thessaloniki,GREECE 72=20o9 ART = START + ARCHIVES HOLLAND 73=2009 MAYWELVE DEEDS OF HERCULES HERO IMAJE RUSSIA 2008 74=2009 T-Z www. EL,TALLER DE ZENON.COM SEVLLA ESPANA Indice Galeria Internacional. Index International Mailart - Galeria Mailart Internacional-El Taller de Zenón-33 75=2009 THIRD MILLENNIUM WOMAN italy 76=2009 SURREALISM - Mail Art 2009 www.modestoartmuseum usa 74=2009 fe: MailArt WWW.FOOthill.e du / print_arts / feMailArt usa 75=2009 Calligraphy mail art call www.atelier-calligraphie.com holland 76=2009 Gallipoli Mail Art ProjectThe mail art will be exhibited in UPSD Art Gallery and www.upsd.org.tr mail art from turkey: Greece - Petala Eytihia 77=2009 SALT mail www.mailartmeeting.com italy 78=Les mail-art "de A à Z" 79=2009 EVOLUTION Exhibition and also online at: WWW.accademiadartedipisa.ning.com italy 80=2009 The End Of Mr. Bush. www.mail-art.de.tt. 81=NEDERLAND Scriptores mailartproject.com> 2009 In the middle of the way between writing and painting, Calligraphy is a total art, 82=WWW.projetartpostalnotrecorps2009.blogspot.com 2009 PROJET D'ART POSTAL 2008/2009 - NOTRE CORPS france 83=WWW.floraraducan.blogspot.com 84=2 Otto von Bismarck arriving and outgoing mail art: arriving mail art from Petala ... . =Mail Art Exhibition in Bad Kissingen, Museum Obere Saline - Bismarck Museum (Germany). . Info: Roland.Halbritter @ web.de http://bismarck-mail-art.blogspot.com/ 85=2010 MAILART SKETBE ECHIBITION HALASTRA GREECE 86=2010 MAIL ART SKETBE WOMEN'S ARTISTIC CREATION the e.g.e.SERRON-house WOMEN - the exhibition space of pr.DEPKA SERRES greece 87=4th Biennial: mailmania Exhibition: Studio J, Victoria, BC, September 16-30 , 2010 and Slide Room Gallery, Vancouver Island School of Art, Victoria, BC, CANADA, October 8th - November 8th, 2010 - 2549 Qua dra Street, Victoria, BC, http://mailmania4.blogspot.com/ 88=The FouR Elements http://4elements2010.blogspot.com and in Gradignan, France in 2010 89=Our Planet Exhibition: October, 2010, simultaneously in various exhibition halls in Pereira. www.mailartnuestroplaneta.blogspot.com/ 90= 2010 exhibited in the Collection of the Caribbean Center of Art Mail and Visual Poetry. Exhibition: This is a traveling exhibition around universities and cultural centers of Puerto Rico with conference and Art Mail oorxiop 91=Blue in all its states) Exhibition: at the Media Library of PLEGUIEN 2010 http://desvigne.blogspot.com/search/label/Galerie% 20% 22Le% 20Bleu ..% 22 92=MAIL Art in THE World "2010" Exhibition: http://mailartfossiant.blogspot.com 93=Heebee Jeebeeland in the 4th Dimension Exhibition: Public showing 2010. http://heebeejeebeeland.blogspot.com 94=A Venus for Ille Exhibition: carre Santa Creu, Ille sur Têt, 150th Anniversary of the Pony Express http://modestoartmuseum.org 95=flUXUS NOW! . Exhibition: the exhibit will be presented as a part of the 2010 Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival, February 11 - 16, 2010. http://jimleftwichtextimagepoem.blogspot.com/ 96=Non-smokers make me sick (Mircea Bochis) Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania 97= An autographed self portrait (ma call / Dame 's Portrait Gallery) Victoria BC Canada 98= Green eyes (Muzeul Florean / Mircea Bochis) Baia Mare, Romania 99=Mail art solidarity required for Philippe Pissier 100=1st International Art Mail Exhibition of Puerto Rico 101 YAROSLAVL. Exhibition: Modern Art Center (ARS-Forum), Yaroslavl. Autumn 2010. Curator of the show is Ekaterina Zmejeva, Yaroslavl. Consultant of the project is Ivan Zemtsov, Yoshkar-Ola. Exhibition: Modern Art Center (ARS-Forum), Yaroslavl. Autumn 2010. 102=The Art of the Post Card Exhibition: January 11, 2010 at the Cornelius Post Office. 103=2nd International small format mail art callwww.bienalvenezuelados.blogspot.com 104= Ecology and Restoration Exhibition: all year with the library and catalogues at the beginning of 2010 www.mailartalabiblio2009ecologie.blogspot.com/ " 105=MUCHA www.canalblog.com self-portrait. Exhibition: The self-portrait mailart received by the Yaroslavl Art Museum during 2009, will be exhibited in a show. www.artmuseum.yar.ru 106=: A Communication Utopia Exhibition: Ediciones del Cementrerio will organize and exhibit that will take place December 2009 and May 2010 at Maldonado, Punta del Este and Montevideo; www.edicionesdelcementerioutopia.blogspot.com / 107=Gaza Strip II Exhibition. Atelier Felipe lamadrid. Blue in all its states Exhibition: at the Media Library of PLEGUIEN 22290 during June 2010 www.desvigne.blogspot.com 108=2nd International small format mail art call Exhibition: all postcards will be shown. www.bienalvenezuelados.blogspot.com 109=MAIL Art in THE World "2010" www.mailartfossiant.blogspot.coM 109=150th Anniversary of the Pony Express www.modestoartmuseum.org 110=flUXUS NOW! . Exhibition: the exhibit will be presented as a part of the 2010 Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival, February 11 - 16, 2010. http://jimleftwichtextimagepoem.blogspot.com/ 111=Brain Cell http://www.ryosukecohen.com 112=1st International Art Mail Exhibition of Puerto Rico 2010 All artwork will be exhibited and will be archived in the Collection of the Caribbean Center of Art Mail and Visual Poetry. Exhibition: This is a traveling exhibition around universities and cultural centers of Puerto Rico with conference and Art Mail workshop www.1rstintlartmailpuertorico.blogspot.co www.caribeartecorreo.blogspot.com 113=The Art of the Post Card Exhibition: January 11, 2010 at the Cornelius Post Office. 114=A Venus for Ille www.desvenuspourille.blogspot.com/ 115=Ecology and Restoration www.mailartalabiblio2009ecologie.blogspot.com 116=self-portrait Exhibition: The self-portrait mailart received by the Yaroslavl Art Museum during 2009, will be exhibited in a show. www.artmuseum.yar.ru 117=: A A Communication Utopia Exhibition: Ediciones del Cementrerio will organize and exhibit that will take place December 2009 and May 2010 at Maldonado, Punta del Este and Montevideo ; Www.edicionesdelcementerioutopia.blogspot.com Coordinated by Juan Angel Italiano under the auspices of Unión Latina Uruguay, Dirección General De Cultura / Municipio de Maldonado, Correo Uruguayo Maldonado Communication Utopia w.franjadegazafelipelamadrid.blogspoT.COM 118=Fish MÓNICA VALLEJ argent 119=2010 MAIL ART www.fr.wikipedia.org Eel River Crossing Raymond furlotte 120=2010 Mail art project "Definition: Man = Hidden Tenderness http: / Mymailart.wordpress.com , 121=2010 Running on Love www.mailarta.blogspot.com 122=2010 MOURNFUL DEMON - SPIRIT OF BANISHMENT (LOVE STORY) russia Kazan, Actor's House. 123=2010 10 Years of Boxes and Envelopes www.nerradas-mailart.blogspot.com 124=2010 The Seven Wonders of the world www.merveillesdumondemailart.blogspot.com 125=2010 No Commercial Potential its only www. mailartnocommercial.blogspot.com 126=2010 Human, Colours, Music International MAIL ART Exhibition in Athens 21-28 June 207=2010 november in THESSALONIKI GREECE 128=2010 E Ambassadeur d'Utopia - LES SINGES DE LA SAGESSE - THE MONKEYS OF WISDOM www.expositionsingeschaunois.blogspot.com 129=Chistory Mile Art Illustrated france France www.notrehistoireenartpostal.blogspot.com 210=2010 www.micovanho oRN-mail-art.blogspot.com the NETHELANDS 211=2010 Projet d'ART postal MAIL ART project with Childrens 212=201O www.captermer.com intenationalmail art nature and life and animals of the wet zones FRANCE 213=2011 Women: Secrets and Confidences Postcards received will become part of the background art of Female collective Art-Esencia for future exhibitions in 2011 in different cities of Spain. http://womensecretsconfidences.blogspot.com 214=http://www.specificfeelings.blogspot.com FEELINGS All works will be exhibited during the festival in Sarajevo, and after that in Zagreb, Rijeka (Croatia), and in Belgrade (Serbia 215=LISTS http://www.colori.nl/mii/lists http://listsproject.blogspot.com/ in 2011 in QS Gallery of The Museum of Instant Images 216=GEORGE MACIUNAS AND BEYOND : FLUXUS NEVER Stop at the Kaunas Biennial exhibition keith9963@sbcglobal.net 217=Land Art on Mail Art http://landartonmailart.blogspot.com 218=the SECREt the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney, Australia 219=mail art 2011 El Taller de Zenón - www.eltallerdezenon.com 220=the SECREt eXCHANGE) and the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul, Korea. 221=WATER OF LIFE The works will be exhibited in different rooms of the city simultaneously http://www.mailartnuestroplaneta.blogspot.com 222=An Little things Joli) Utrecht, The Netherlands www.colori.nl / mii / lists http://listsproject.blogspot.com/ list s mail art October 2007 – MagentaRaven 223=women's issues PROYECTO ART-ESENCIA http://proyectoart-esencia.blogspot.com INTERNATIONAL MAIL ART PROJECT http://womensecretsconfidences.blogspot.com 224 http://proyectoart-esencia.blogspot.com INTERNATIONAL MAIL ART PROJECT ABOUT WOMEN 225 tp: / / handcarvedstamps.blogspot.com Posted by Sharon natasastanisic@gmail.com http://www.friendsofart.info 226=A BOOK ABOUT DEATH (ABAD) ABAD ~ Memento - Show May 3 - 28, 2011 Reception: May 6, 2011 Willo North Gallery, 2811 http://abad-phx.blogspot.com http://thestudio-ps.com http://studio-ps.blogspot.com 227=; Living fast / living slow LOOKS Sylvie Neveuroute de Molières F-46170 Castelnau-Montratier. FRANCE 228=Ed Varney Mayworks Festival Mail Art; 229=TOROS EN SEVILLA 2011 http://toroszenon2011.blogspot.com/ 210=New Mail Art Calls | Luiza's Art Cafe MESS ON ART DESK 211=Associazione Culturale “ E.ART “ "GLI ANTICHI MESTIERI" italy 212=MAIL-ART PROJECT FOR ART ROUTE OPEN STAL IN OLDEBERKOOP (THE NETHERLANDS) 28 JULY-26 AUGUST 2012 213=2011FEELINGS: CLAUDIO GRANDINETTI, ITALY | USA Arts Grants Finder | Grants for Artists ... 214=FLUX-USA / NEW NEW ART:FLUX-USA / fluxusa.blogspot.com/... 11 Aug 2011 – Happiness of PETALA, 21st Century NewNew Artist · SANTALUCIAblus. ... Polaroid Art Books, REDFOXPRESS · Drawings by Eytihia Petala, . 215Art Slant - Mail Art in the World - 2010 216= 2011 no Commercial Potential phaze II, the Show 2011 Garage N.3 Gallery - Venezia Mestre 2011 Centro Culturale Candiani Venezia Mestre xx.xx.2011 Galleria Terre Rare - Bologna xx.xx.2011 "Barrique" - Scriò di Dolegna del Collio GO 217=2011 PROJET D'ART POSTAL N°2 - MAILART PROJECT N°2:INSOMNIES ET ART POSTAL: ENVOI DE "E" france 218=2011 FLUX-USA / NEW NEW ART: KAUNAS BIENNIAL TEXTILE '11 2011 Fluxus Now! - 219- 2010 Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival Post-NeoAbsurdist Anti-Collective2010 120=International 2 Mail Art Project In Athens and thessaloniki / Greece - OPEN Fluxus http://human-colours-music-greekmailart.blogspot.com / MAIL ART EXHIBITION IN THESSALONIKI Man, colors, music "edifice of the New Hall of Thessaloniki.« 221=KAZUNORI MURAKAMI EXHIBITION MAIL ART IN HIMEJI CASTLE JAPAN 222Associazione Culturale “ E.ART “ "GLI ANTICHI MESTIERI" ITALY 2016 - INTERNATIONAL MAIL ART PROJECT MASCULINE VIOLENCE critics petala s works in order to justify the idea of the Greek poet NIKIPHOROS VRETAKOS of his cosmopolitan love for the man and the world.human beauty is a synonym of wisdom when he attempts to capture magic, color light and diversity by the works of art s internal radiance. the works of painter eytihia breath with rich color, radiates with ATTIC beauty. her figurative paintings sisclose the pulchritude of males of sources to be found in the richly endowed ANCIENT GREEK mythology.this woman painters works of art are inhabited by a sunshiny MADITERRANEAN microcosm. the Mediterranean is the mother of civillizations because it unites various traditions.the Mediterranean is spiritual continuity,reality,imagination,magicland,Homer s night sea. petala eytihia s works of painting graphic art iconography and pottery represent Harmony of color magic expressive semantics.her works of art are incarnation of the poets message: beauty and human spirit by which works of art are distinguished,aspire to a nobler nature-justice and land for every human ILIJA KARAJANOV Petala eftihia selects large visual surfaces on man and his problems in modern cities It moves in the space of abstract expressionism and emphasizes the dynamic function of color.Uniform color spots with bright colors surround and almost (swallow) human beings, illustrating abstract and resemble ghosts without physical substance Space is rarely marked by purity after snapshots described happening everywhere. In some projects the content acquires symbolic extensions thanks to poetic atmosphere created clusters forms flicks and color contrasts. Space and movement are combined for a new interpretation of the world based on emotion. Remarkable are the compositions with picture combined together with the technique of collage. These Platelet intervenes artistically and with color focus the viewer's attention to unseen details. This artwork recreated multiplied and is organically tied to reality, directly transmitting the critical eye of the social process, one that images are easily incorporated in our daily life ....... GOLD DANELI Art Historian The Petala eftihia comes in capacities of local artists of Kilkis through considerable personal efforts in search of art. Engraving has studied at the Research Center and Laboratory of engraving and painting Neapoli Thessaloniki in Kilkis ART. Occasionally dealing with photography, ceramics, hagiography and jewelry. The report consists of sygkkrimeni engravings. As a creator is not. the origins of the only visual reality-and whether to accept suggestions from this, but attempts to integrate the work of any kind techniques. Experimenting and using all types of areas of engraving, an evidence of the painting, features fiction, charaktiristika the conscious and subconscious of the world in order to reach a purely personal expression. In the woodcut, the engraving, lithography, the linoleoum, the black and white and color prints, the Petala moves around the man, as defined and set in a frame work of values and strong emotions. Trying through various techniques of engraving different materials to express a personal way meetings, concerns, confessions to the world of the human soul. Using the role of the opposition of the black-white, with the gap filled and moving in a different direction each time stylistic trend, seeking in this way the path of. One uses an abstract vocabulary and suggestively and on the other . It uses the black and white forme and color prints to the sincerity and conviction in the formalities of personal . The need of human contact made with allusion to a narrative series of engravings, in forms of human-persons - as part of a form that reaches the limits of deflection. With the forms appear in an indeterminate space, form and closed in themselves, be a tension express internal vibrations . Thoughts, feelings, images are organized on the surface of all forms of media combined curvilinear and angular parts, which dominate strange combinations of lines and highlighted contrasts open and dark parts. The juxtaposition of the red line marks the risk of the need, the thirst of society 'with another . In this way the Petala trying to give a separate meaning to each project but also to connect their own as a set of thought and concern. Is also negotiating friendship concept like camaraderie, love of communicating in a series of small prints, called ex-libris . The minimum area used by the plan accomplishes an astonishing ability to make sets in which the acidity emerges through morfikous other combinations, sometimes with figurative and abstract formulations sometimes in conjunction with them. In this way, trying to express its own internal meetings with the world. The character of the area, but the atmosphere of each of these projects involve the viewer to the magic. Broaden the content of expressive language over a large area in an attempt to combine the key elements of engravings painted with clear values. This creates prints in which color becomes strength and dominates in the forms. Sometimes using the partitioning of Pop-Art, which combines with symbolic issues to reach an integrated result. In an attempt to break from the emotional intensity, combine vertical, horizontal, diagonal elements giving an enigmatic atmosphere in almost all of those color works with elliptical way trying to give the subject matter. It is a surreal features engraving with trends such as problem-space, enigmatic atmosphere, tables within the table, abstract and figurative elements. The Happiness Petala us in a world of that particular art prints, through creations that are distinguished by the extent of the searches, and the wealth of personal wording. It is a new voice in one so near and one question simultaneously both unknown artistic territory. Wanting to make the multidimensional nature of the world of emotions and thoughts, experimenting with the expressive potential in the opportunities offered by the engraving .... velkou kiki PETALA eftihia is a case charaktiristikal woman author who lives in Greek province, a creator isolated because of the distance separating the parts written the history of modern Greek art. This information gap and survival ara substantial freedom is what determines the nature of its work., So many years remains divided in two axes. Or working direction is that of reproduction paintings belonging to the category of digestible work is recognizable and acceptable by the provincial public ie marketable .......... When PETALA works in this category creates works tightly subservient ............. limits itself to power in trying to create (NICE) projects converted from creator to a performing an executive subordinate ..... ..... Unlike when escaped images of what feels great craftsmen which leaves itself to operate freely and without the slightest restriction when permitted when eject WHAT IS THE SOUL OF then everything changes ........ .... bins filled texture, brushstrokes, flesh, volume compositions vibrate (soul) life and colors are vivid (in a black) that does it even stronger. human figures cover surfaces as constant contortions between the earth and uranium eternal without end or beginning. and fugitive. The feelings are dominant and yet this passion for life promising fills deadlock. The figures that are always lit independently or regardless of the environment no matter if they live alone or in pairs are in a world where if impenetrability narrow and full of historical references or references continually restricts those dance move or fall in love within him like a invisible ----- cage ---- PRISON LIFE AND LOVE AND DEAD END ......... JOY AND SORROW ........... together and simultaneously by an insatiable need for painting ........... . March 1999 Karkatselis vasilis Painter photographer engraver author Director of Photography Thessaloniki eftihia PETALA is a decent presence in the art. A man gifted with great talent and love for what he does. Connoisseur of painting and engraving. Looking at her works feel the boundless talent, works full glow from its luster. He is an artist of high attainments with big goals in the field of art. deserve congratulations Baziotis Helen Painter - Hagiographer - Cartoonist - Illustrator - Sculptor -Psifidografos - Author Η Ευτυχία Πεταλά επιλέγει μεγάλες εικαστικές επιφάνειες με θέμα τον ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟ και τα προβλήματά του στις σύγχρονες μεγαλουπόλεις. Κινείται στο χώρο του αφηρημένου εξπρεσσιονισμού και δίνει έμφαση στή δυναμική λειτουργία του χρώματος. Ενιαίες χρωματικές κηλίδες με έντονα χρώματα περιβάλλουν και σχεδόν (καταπίνουν)τις ανθρώπινες υπάρξεις ,που αποτυπώνουν αφαιρετικά και μοιάζουν με φαντασμάσματα χωρίς υλική υπόσταση. Ο Χώρος σπάνια σημειώνεται με καθαρότητα αφού τα στιγμιότυπα που περιγράφονται συμβαίνουν παντού. ΣΕ ΟΡΙΣΜΈΝΑ ΈΡΓΑ ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΕΧΌΜΕΝΟ αποκτά συμβολικές προεκτάσεις χάρη στην ποιητική ατμόσφαιρα που δημιουργούν συμπλέγματα μορφών ελεύθερες κινήσεις και χρωματικές αντιθέσεις . Χώρος και κίνηση συνδιάζονται για μια νέα ερμηνεία του κόσμου βασισμένη στο συναίσθημα. Αξιόλογες είναι οι συνθέσεις με φωτογραφία που συνδιάζονται μεταξύ τους με την τεχνική του κολλάζ. Σε αυτές η ΠΕΤΑΛΑ επεμβαίνει εικαστικά και με το χρώμα επικεντρωνει την προσοχή του θεατή σε αθέατες λεπτομέρειες . Με τον τρόπο αυτό το έργο τέχνης αναδημιουργείται πολλαπλασιάζεται και είναι οργανικά δεμένο με την πραγματικότητα,μεταδίδοντας άμεσα την κριτική ματιά της για το κοινωνικό γίγνεσθαι,μια που οι εικόνες ενσωματώνονται εύκολα στην καθημερινή μας ζώη ....... ΧΡΥΣΑ ΔΑΝΕΛΗ BELKOY KIKI SAY FOR PETALAS WORKS Η Πεταλά Ευτυχία εντάσσεται στο δυναμικό των ντόπιων καλλιτεχνών του Κιλκίς μέσα από αξιόλογες προσπάθειες προσωπικής αναζήτησης στον χώρο των εικαστικών. Έχει σπουδάσει Χαρακτική στο Ερευνητικό Κέντρο και εργαστήριο χαρακτικής της Νεάπολης Θεσσαλονίκης και ζωγραφική στην ΤΕΧΝΗ Κιλκίς.Κατά καιρούς ασχολήθηκε επίσης με τη φωτογραφία ,την κεραμική,την αγιογραφία και το κόσμημα. Ησυγκκριμένη έκθεση αποτελείται από έργα χαρακτικής. Ως δημιουργός δεν έχει. τις αφετηρίες της μόνο στην οπτική πραγματικότητα-όσο και αν δέχεται ερεθίσματα από αυτήν-αλλά επιχειρεί να εντάξει στα έργα της κάθε είδους τεχνικές.Πειραματίζεται και χρησιμοποιεί τύπους από όλες τις Θεματικές περιοχές της χαρακτικής,προσαρτεί στοιχεία της ζωγραφικής, δυνατότητες της φαντασίας,χαρακτιρηστικά του συνειδητού αλλά και του κόσμου του υποσυνείδητου με στόχο να φτάσει σε μια καθαρά προσωπική διατύπωση.Μέσα από την ξυλογραφία,τη χαλκογραφία,τη λιθογραφία,το λινόλεουμ,την ασπρόμαυρη και έγχρωμη χαρακτική,η Πεταλά κινείται γύρω από τον άνθρωπο,όπως αυτός ορίζει και ορίζεται σε ένα πλαίσιο αξιών και έντονων συναισθημάτων.Προσπαθεί μέσα από τις διάφορες τεχνικές της εγχάραξης σε διαφορετικά υλικά να εκφράσει με προσωπικό τρόπο συναντήσεις,ανησυχίες,εξομολογήσεις για τον κόσμο της ανθρώπινης ψυχής. Αξιοποιεί το ρόλο των αντιθέσεων του μαύρου-άσπρου,του κενού με το γεμάτο και κινείται σε διαφορετική κατεύθυνση στιλιστικής τάσης κάθε φορά ,αναζητώντας με αυτό τον τρόπο το δρόμο της .Από τη μια χρησιμοποιεί το αφηρημένο λεξιλόγιο και τα υπαινικτικά στοιχεία και από την άλλη τη σχηματοποίηση. Χρησιμοποιεί την ασπρόμαυρη αλλά και έγχρωμη χαρακτική με σκοπό την ειλικρίνεια και την πειστικότητα στις προσωπικές της διατυπώσεις .Η ανάγκη της ανθρώπινης επικοινωνίας διατυπώνεται με υπαινιγμό σε μια αφηγηματική σειρά χαρακτικών της,μέσα από ανθρώπινες μορφές-πρόσωπα -,στο πλαίσιο μιας σχηματοποίησης που αγγίζει τα όρια της παραμόρφωσης.Με τις μορφές να εμφανίζονται σε έναν ακαθόριστο χώρο ,σχηματοποιημένες και κλειστές στον εαυτό τους,υποβάλλεται μια ένταση που εκφάζει εσωτερικές δονήσεις .Σκέψεις ,συναισθήματα,εικόνες οργανώνονται στην επιφάνεια κάθε μορφής μέσα από συνδυασμούς καμπυλόγραμμων και γωνιωδών τμημάτων,στα οποία επικρατούν περίεργοι συνδυασμοί γραμμών και τονισμένες αντιθέσεις ανοιχτών και σκοτεινών τμημάτων.Η παράθεση της κόκκινης γραμμής σηματοδοτεί τον κίνδυνο την ανάγκη ,τη δίψα της ,΄΄κοινωνίας΄’ με τον άλλον .Με αυτό τον τρόπο η Πεταλά προσπαθεί να δώσει ένα ξέχωρο νόημα σε κάθε έργο αλλά παράλληλα και να τα συνδέσει μεταξύ τους σαν ένα σύνολο δικής της σκέψης και ανησυχίας. Διαπραγματεύεται επίσης έννοιες όπως της φιλίας.της συντροφικότητας,της αγάπης της επικοινωνίας σε μια σειρά από μικρά χαρακτικά, τα λεγόμενα ex-libris .Στον ελάχιστο χώρο που χρησιμοποιεί καταφέρνει με του σχεδίου μια εκπληκτική ικανότητα να δίνει σύνολα στα οποία η οξύτητα αναδεικνύεται μέσα από μορφικούς συνδιασμούς άλλοτε ,παραστατικά άλλοτε με αφηρημένες διατυπώσεις και άλλοτε με το συνδιασμό τους. Με αυτό τον τρόπο προσπαθεί να εκφράσει δικές της εσωτερικές συναντήσεις με τον κόσμο που την περιβάλλει.Ο χαρακτήρας του χώρου,αλλα και η ατμόσφαιρα του συνόλου σε κάθε ένα από αυτά τα έργα της παρασύρουν τον θεατή στη μαγεία τους. Διευρύνει το περιεχόμενο της εκφραστικής της γλώσσας πάνω σε μεγάλες επιφάνειες σε μια προσπάθεια να συνδυάσει τα καθοριστικά στοιχεία της χαρακτικής με καθαρά ζωγραφικές αξίες.Έτσι δημιουργεί χαρακτικά στα οποία το χρώμα αποκτά δύναμη και κυριαρχεί στο πλαίσιο της σχηματοποίησης των μορφών.Κάποιες φορές χρησιμοποιεί τη διαμερισματοποίηση της Ποπ-Αρτ, την οποία συνδυάζει με συμβολικά θέματα για να φτάσει σε ένα ολοκληρωμένο αποτέλεσμα. Σε μια προσπάθεια απεγκλωβισμού από την ένταση συναισθηματικής φόρτισης, συνδυάζει κάθετα ,οριζόντια, διαγώνια στοιχεία δίνοντας μια αινιγματική σχεδόν ατμόσφαιρα στο σύνολο εκείνων των έγχρωμων της έργων που με ελλειπτικό τρόπο προσπαθεί να αποδώσει τα θέματά της. Πρόκειται για μια χαρακτική με χαρακτηριστικά σουρεαλιστικών τάσεων, όπως –προβληματικό χώρο, αινιγματική ατμόσφαιρα, πίνακες μέσα στον πίνακα, παραστατικά και αφηρημένα στοιχεία. Η Πεταλά Ευτυχία μας μεταφέρει στον κόσμο μιας ιδιαίτερης τέχνης εκείνης της χαρακτικής,μέσα από δημιουργίες που διακρίνονται τόσο από την έκταση των αναζητήσεων της,όσο και τον πλούτο της προσωπικής της διατύπωσης.Αποτελεί μια καινούργια φωνή στον χώρο μιας τόσο κοντινής και οικείας μα ταυτόχρονα και τόσο άγνωστης εικαστικής περιοχής .Θέλοντας να διατυπώσει τον πολυδιάστατο χαρακτήρα του κόσμου των συναισθημάτων και σκέψεων,πειραματίζεται με τις εκφραστικές της δυνατότητες στο πλαίσιο των ευκαιριών που τις δίνει η χαρακτική 2008 Η ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΜΕΤΑ ΤΟ ΜΕΤΑΜΟΝΤΕΡΝΟ ) Έφη Πεταλά είναι περισσότερο εικαστικός παρά φωτογράφος. Ασχολείται περισσότερο με τη χαρακτική και τη ζωγραφική παρά με τη φωτογραφία σα φωτογραφία. Έχει όμως μακροχρόνια φωτογραφική εκπαίδευση και ενασχόληση. Ίσως τη φωτογραφία, σαν ένα ρεαλιστικό μέσον καταγραφής του γύρω μας κόσμου, να μην την εγκατέλειψε και ποτέ. Γιατί αντί να ξεκινάει το ζωγραφικό της έργο, πάνω σε ένα κατάλευκο μουσαμά ή να στρώνει χρώματα βάσει ενός προσχεδίου, αρέσκεται στην πρόκληση, του να φωτογραφίζει το μοντέλο της, να τυπώνει, στη συνέχεια να επανασυνθέτει αυτές τις εικόνες βρίσκοντας τις κριμένες αλήθειες τους, και τέλος, να τις κολλά πάνω στο μουσαμά, για να τις σκεπάσει με χρώματα. Στην έκθεση παρουσιάζει έργα που έγιναν ακριβώς με αυτή τη διαδικασία. Φωτογράφισε την Ξάνθη για να την γνωρίσει καλλίτερα στο εργαστήριο και με ένα ζωγραφικό ιδίωμα που ίσως ταιριάζει ιδιαίτερα στο χαρακτήρα της Παλιάς Πόλης μας τα επαναπροωθεί, με τη ζωγραφική χειρονομία να σχολιάζει τον ρεαλισμό των εικόνων. LATSELIS BASILIS 14 MAY πρωτη foto biennal Έκθεση Φωτογραφίας - Διαχρονικοί τόποι και τρόποι λατρείας Μουσείο Βυζαντινού Πολιτισμού Η Έφη Πεταλά ανιχνεύει τη θρησκευτικότητα που υπάρχει διάχυτη σε έναν αρχαιολογικό χώρο, προσπαθεί να καταγράψει τα μηνύματα που “λαμβάνει” από τα -κατά τα άλλα- άψυχα ερείπια, να διηγηθεί την ιστορία τους... Περιοδικό Αρχαιολογία Η ΠΕΤΑΛΑ ΕΥΤΥΧΙΑ είναι μια χαρακτηρηστική περίπτωση γυναίκας δημιουργού που ζεί στην ελληνική επαρχία ,μιας δημιουργού απομονωμένης εξ αιτίας της απόστασης που χωρίζει από τα μέρη που γράφεται η ιστορία της σύγχρονης ελληνικής τέχνης. Αυτό το κενό πληροφοριακού και επιβίωσης αρα ουσιαστικής ελευθερίας είναι που καθορίζει και τη φύση του έργου της .,πού τόσα χρόνια παραμένει διχασμένο σε δύο άξονες. Η μιά κατεύθυνση εργασίας είναι αυτή της αναπαραγωγής ζωγραφικών έργων που ανήκουν στην κατηγορία του εύπεπτου έργου που είναι αναγνωρίσιμα και αποδεκτά απο το επαρχιακό κοινό δηλ εμπορεύσιμα .......... Οταν η ΠΕΤΑΛΑ δουλεύει σε αυτή την κατηγορία δημιουργεί έργα σφικτά υποταγμένα.............αυτοπεριορίζεται στη δύναμή της στην προσπάθεια να δημιουργήσει (ΩΡΑΙΑ )έργα μετατρέπεται από δημιουργό σε εκτελεστή σε ΕΚΤΕΛΕΣΤΗ υποταγμένο.......... Αντίθετα όταν καταφέρει να ξεφύγει αππό τις εικόνες αυτών που θεωρεί σπουδαίους μαστόρους πράγμα που αφήνει τον εαυτό της να λειτουργήσει ελεύθερα και χωρίς το παραμικρό περιορισμό ΟΤΑΝ ΤΟ ΕΠΙΤΡΕΠΕΙ ΟΤΑΝ ΒΓΑΛΕΙ ΑΥΤΑ ΠΟΥ ΕΧΕΙ ΣΤΗΝ ΨΥΧΗ ΤΗΣ τότε τα πάντα αλλάζουν............τα τελάρα γεμίζουν υφή,πινελιές ,σάρκα,όγκο οι συνθέσεις πάλλουν από (ψυχή)ζωή και τα χρώματα της γίνονται ζωηρά (μέσα σε ένα μαύρο)πού τα κάνει ακόμη εντονότερα. ανθρώπινες φιγούρες καλύπτουν τις επιφάνειες σαν σταθερές ακροβασίες ανάμεσα στο γήινο και το ουράνιο το αιώνιοκαι το πρόσκαιρο. Τα αισθήματα γίνονται κυρίαρχοι και όμως αυτό το πάθος για ζωή το ΑΕΝΑΟ ελπιδοφόρο γεμίζει αδιέξοδο. Οι φιγούρες της που πάντα φωτίζονται αυτόνομα ή ανεξάρτητα από το περιβάλλον άσχετα άν ζούν μόνες ή σε ζευγάρια βρίσκονται σε ένα κόσμο αδιαχώριτο στενό πού αν και γεμάτος ιστορικές αναφορές ή παραπομπές περιορίζει συνεχώς όσους κινούνται χορεύουν ή ερωτεύονται μέσα του σαν σε -----αόρατο κλουβί---- ΖΩΗ ΚΑΙ ΦΥΛΑΚΗ ΕΡΩΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΔΙΕΞΟΔΟ .........ΧΑΡΑ ΚΑΙ ΛΥΠΗ...........όλα μαζί καί ταυτόχρονα από μια ασυγκράτητη ανάγκη γιά ...........ζωγραφική. Μάρτιος 1999 Βασίλης Καρκατσέλης Ζωγράφος φωτογράφος χαράκτης συγγραφέας Διευθυντής φωτογραφικού κέντρου Θεσσαλονίκης --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Η ΕΥΤΥΧΙΑ ΠΕΤΑΛΑ είναι μια αξιοπρεπής παρουσία στο χώρο της τέχνης . Ενας άνθρωπος χαρισματικός με μεγάλο ταλέντο και αγάπη για αυτό που κάνει. Γνώστης της ζωγραφικής και χαρακτικής. Κοιτάζοντας τα έργα της νοιώθουμε το αστείρευτο ταλέντο της ,έργα γεμάτα ΛΑΜΨΗ από τη λάμψη της . Είναι καλλιτέχνης υψηλών επιτεύξεων με μεγάλους στόχους στόν τομέα της τέχνης . της αξίζουν συγχαρητήρια Μπαζιώτου Ελένη -

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